it looks different every day {art journal wisdom}
different pages, same art journal, hali karla arts
If I had to offer one piece of wisdom about art journaling, it would be to remember that it can look different every day, and that the more it becomes an everyday practice, the more we begin to see the connection between our creative expressions and the integration of conscious presence and engagement into our daily life and relationships.
I've been fluffing content for my online Creative Women's Circle that opens tomorrow, and last year in RELATE, I shared with the women a bit about my own Everyday Art Journal practice - in reference to using our own intuitive wisdom to make and break our very own rules about creative expression. Touching in with words or colors each day helps me develop a relationship with the insights and patterns that reveal themselves throughout my day to day in the interactions and experiences I have.
An everyday {art} journal - one that you carry with you as much as possible - is a way of keeping track of the breadcrumbs in your life - you know, the little shimmers and synchronicities that vibrate in a moment but can be so easily forgotten as the moments move on.
I can say that deciding to carry an "everyday art journal" was a game-changer for me. It's really just an art journal or sketchbook that goes with me everywhere. It has to be small enough to fit in my bag. I carry a white pen, a black pen, and a glue stick always - and, if I get real honest, a whole bag of pens with my favorite goodies that might be considered optional for some.
I actually broke up with my standard planner after getting to know my everyday art journal (it really never worked out between me and the conventional planner no matter how hard we tried anyway). My everyday art journal holds monthly or weekly calendar pages for me now, that i simply draw or glue in.
everyday art journal1
I use it to jot down ideas, sketch or doodle when I have time to kill or need to pause and be present, to tack in photos and fodder, or capture wise or inspiring words from others that may come my way. Sometimes I write prayers in it, or recipes. I even keep my lists in it. To-do lists, not-to-do lists, shopping lists, gratitude lists, travel itinerary details - all of which can be painted or glued over later if I feel the urge. I paint in it and paste in collage-stuffs as an ongoing vision book - a way of trying on feelings and impressions.
It really isn't just an everyday journal - it's an everything journal for me.
The real beauty of it, though, is that having it all within one cover, over a period of time, makes it really easy to begin to see patterns in my life. Connections that I might otherwise miss - about what is going on inside myself and around me for that period of time in my life. By engaging with it everyday, it carries the dynamic energy of my life unfolding.
I keep other art journals, too (like the one at the top) - and they often have a variety of styles and flavors within the pages. Yet, while the everyday journal isn't the prettiest journal I keep, by any means, it's one of the most precious to my journey - helping me to discern what holds meaning for me, what needs attention and what is calling my heart. I feel it is a living artifact of my intention to live my life as the ultimate work of art-in-process - to come again and again to what it means to be present to creative energy.
everyday artjournal sample2