28 day online creative women's circle - registration now open
online Women's Creativity Circle hosted by Hali Karla Arts
I'm happy to announce I will be holding my virtual women's circle, RELATE, again in October!
It has changed some since last year, as have I, and this evolution reflects a deeper truth about why I feel called to share this work. While asking less of a long-term time commitment this year, the promise to self holds rich potential.
RELATE is a call out to women looking to explore a regular creative practice as an ally on a spiritual path that is grounded in who we are and how we show up to life. Everything we will cover is deeply embedded in how we relate to our selves, each other, and the world - and how we would like to (even if this feels unclear right now).
I also encourage anyone who is holding a particular prayer deep in their being to consider joining us this year. The type of journey you will embark on in RELATE will be a beautiful, safe way to honor and amplify your prayer and listening - I say this from experience. I practice what I bring to you to practice.
This is the progression of the prayer painting that I worked on while I held space for RELATE last year. She is 52" x 56" - quite a presence - and interestingly, I can now see how she is a sort of prophetess for the evolution of RELATE since last year, too - as well as other things that were shifting in my life at the time.
I would be honored to have you join us this year in this global creative women's circle, as we stretch our concepts of creativity and being in circle together. Come see what rises within you, center in your truth and feel the support of others collectively doing the same in their own process and wholeness.
One more exciting tidbit, related to all of this, that I want to share...
This year, I have also been quietly on the lookout for an organization that is in alignment with my own values and personal process, that I could offer a little support to. As my creative business blooms, I hope to do more of this in the future - in different ways, I imagine.
I wanted to be guided to an effort that reflects my own passions, though - rather than simply choose an organization - if that makes sense. There is so much happening in our world, so many things to keep up with, that pull our heart-strings and need help. It can be overwhelming. It can be inspiring. It can be paralyzing or activating. So, I waited until I *knew* in a quieter, energetically pure way.
I have been moved by the vision and mission of TREE SISTERS this year, and deeply called toward environmental sustainability awareness and lifestyle changes as part of my own personal journey of living in alignment with mother earth, feminine wisdom, self-empowered healing and helping to create a better world.
So I am happy to say that 10% of all registration contributions from RELATE will be donated to TREE SISTERS this year. Please stop by their website and learn what they're about - and if you feel called, share their efforts.