Kind Words…
Women are drawn to you because of how you make them feel. How you pay attention on a very deep level and reach into the bottom of their soul to observe something that they may not even notice. How you reflect their greatness for them so that they have the strength to dig deep and carry on in this uncertain and often scary life. - MT
"She is described as a creative-soul-caregiver and that statement rings true through everything she puts out into the world.
Hali is so deep, and when you begin to follow her musings you truly feel like she cares! In the modern world many people gloss over the emotional side of creativity, offering surface techniques that lack heart. Not Hali! From her blog posts, to her videos, to all of her classes; she reaches out from a level of spirit to connect on a whole different level. Her intuitive art is dripping with courage and tenacity, and I love how she creates a portal to a safe space where you can discover your creative voice.... A true creative sage with so much to offer the world, she guides you deeper into your own creative practice through introspection and helps you to discover your own creative voice.... With Hali’s guidance you can step out of the shadows into a creative world where you realize that there was always a place for you all along!" - KS
"Wow! Hali is on fire! So much depth to what is being offered in InSpirit." - CK
Hali, just wanted to send you a note to let you know how much I am loving the In the Stars course! I have only just started… thank you for such a great course! - ST
Hali - this course is so much better than I expected. You have a way of communicating that makes me feel like I know you and you know me. You hold space well. You hold space in a way that feels safe, safe to feel, safe to explore ideas and emotions and shadows, and that is a big deal to me. thank you so much. - HJ
...at some point in every one of your classes I’m overwhelmed by a flood of emotion and tears. I see this as a sort of gate opening and energy that has been waiting to flow forward rushing out to be acknowledged. I’m feeling so fortunate to have a format that is so far encompassing that unseen, unacknowledged, or unrecognized aspects can be given space to breathe more freely and weave into the whole in a new way. Thanks so much for pouring so much out to all of us. I have the feeling I could continue taking this class for years into the future and always come away feeling that something new had been given light and air. - CA
Thank you soooo much for my reading yesterday, Hali!!!!! You gave me insights into who I am and why I am the way I am. You gave me confidence to be who I am. I can't even find words to adequately express my appreciation. It was *such* a positive life event. - RC
I totally LOVED the process and want to try and explore it again in the future. It gives so many springboards to jump from with creating. Thank you so VERY much for this gift and blessing. - Melissa
You are such a good teacher and such a pleasure to listen to, and you hold space so openly & safely for the whole group. - JL
Oh dearest Hali, Thank you, thank you, thank you! I came to you with questions and searching and you guided me with your gentle wisdom and knowledge. Leading me on a journey of discovery, inside me, you taught me so much more about myself than I ever dared to dream and opened my eyes to my choices and potential. What a wonderful experience! - Michelle
I have really enjoyed all of the Medicine Art classes! Essence, however, was the first class that helped me to get the instruction needed to practice intuitive art! The organization of the lessons provided just the right balance of "instruction" and nudging towards painting intuitively. I've had such a struggle moving out of paralyzing perfectionism towards working intuitively. I really didn't think I'd ever feel comfortable with the process of painting intuitively! It feels really good to have this method at my fingertips as part of my practice. I've enjoyed several of your classes because they aren't step-by-step and you always encourage the process vs 'the product. But I wanted you to know how much I got out of Essence! As a teacher, I really appreciate how thoughtfully you structure each lesson and how they build upon each other. I really wanted to thank you for the lovely array of classes that you offer! and to let you know how much I've appreciated them! - KP
You are a passionate person and I love your willingness to share with others how you create. I believe I have become happier because of doing your workshop. I am very grateful I took the time to do [this] experience. It has been a gift to myself. - Kay
...here was a quiet...magic...that had started with the onset of the class and continued to work over me and through me the entire time...this has been such a gentle healing period for me because of the way Hali presents things, and the way my body and my spirit are working together to integrate and move forward together. Plus, sharing the journey with these other amazing woman has been such a powerful force. - Relate participant
I gotta say Spectrum changed my life ...seriously, and deepened my art practice and my commitment to ... well....everything ...LIFE! Thank YOU for all that you do and did to bring Spectrum to the world! - Eleni
I am completely in awe of Hali. She has such wisdom, warmth, and ability to connect to another virtually as if you were right there in the room with her. Intuitive art is not something that comes easily to me; her weekly videos, love letters, and prompts were a gentle and inspiring way to get outside my head that I so needed. I was blown away with her ability to respond equally to each person in Spreecast gatherings, staying present with each response despite a chat box flowing freely to the right! She is a truly gifted spirit guide. - Laurie
You have an ability to share your connection with the mystery and transmit it to the rest of the world… - Jo Anne
I'm writing to send a huge "Thank You!"... I've had such joy working through the wonderful lessons and creative prompts in your Spectrum and Moon Magic courses. I've been hooked from the beginning, from the moment I watched your introductory video. And the inspiration and joy has never slowed. I love the flexibility your course offers and that you encourage. And I've loved the bonus material too. Thank you for offering such a comprehensive and inspirational program. Your selection of teachers is amazing and the entire course has been a blessing. Thank you for being such an inspiration! - Darcie
"You made it look possible to do. I actually felt em-powered."
"Great class. Thoroughly enjoyed it, learned a lot. Will be doing it again." - Jacqueline
Your gentle humour, leading by example and general air of compassion and permission-giving created a very safe and encouraging experience. Also, the content you offered was incredibly rich, varied and well put together. I also really appreciated how honouring you were of your teachers and the other artists and authors you referenced. I don’t think all online teachers have a high level of integrity. Obviously you do. Finally, there is your art – I love your creative style, colour sense and mystical imagery. It was really fascinating and inspiring for me just watching your images come together. I will come back to the videos for that alone. - Susan
The audios helped me focus my practice. I found the teachings deeply centering and being in the circle held space for my becoming. The whole experience was a beacon for my heart. - Tanya
I just wanted to tell you how I love your 7 Directions e-course. It is awesome!! It goes so deep within and connects me to the All. It has done a lot for me. After all this time I am still working on it. I cannot find words to express my profound gratitude for the spiritual teachings, the art and your generosity. - Teresse
Thank you for an insightful, wise, funny, warm and heart-filled [guidance]. I came away feeling very seen, and encouraged and heartened, with much to think about and so many wisdom nuggets and good guiding points for moving forward. - SG
Your vulnerability is heart warming and I wish we could all live like that – tender and vulnerable yet strong and powerful. Two opposites that can be embraced and you display that through your paintings and writings. - Padma