Art Heals day 22 :: Louise Gale on COLOR! {guest post}
by Louise Gale
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Today's Art Heals guest post is from the warm, generous spirit of artist Louise Gale. Not only does she offer her art and words here, but also a meditation and exclusive discount to a class on COLOR! And, I just have to share that she's also one of the amazing contributors for Spectrum!
Hi there, I am Louise and I am passionate about color, pattern, nature and energy.
What would you say is your favorite color? What colors do you surround yourself with in your home? What colors do you love to wear?
I first discovered the energy of color when I was afraid to use red’s and orange’s in my paintings a few years ago. This led me to challenge myself (and the lovely readers of my blog) to choose a different color each month to create with.
The results were amazing. Each of us got just what we needed from the different challenges, how they made us feel and how they also healed us in that moment in time. We stretched outside of our comfort zone which at first felt a little scary, but looking back I see this as the starting point to my own journey into a more colorful creative life!
Colour wheels in journal by Louise Gale
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The journey into color can be an exciting, beautiful and sometimes uncomfortable one. I do touch on some basic color theory & play in the class, and prefer that we use our own intuition to guide us in what colors we need, how to use them to create with and discover what messages they are sending us. Color can be a beautiful healing tool and once we get started, we know what colors we need the most at that particular time.
So today as part of Hali’s wonderful “art & health month” celebration, I wanted to share with you a rainbow meditation which will take you on a little introductory rainbow journey with color. Whether you are just discovering your love for color or are a seasoned color enthusiast, I hope that this visualization will help you bathe yourself in color and give you whatever energy you need for today.
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How do you feel after listening to the color visualization?
Could you feel anything physically as you traveled through the rainbow of color?
Was there a particular color that spoke to you?
Was there a color that made you feel a little uncomfortable?
Would you like to explore color and energy further? Join Louise on a mixed media journey into all the colors of the rainbow in her “Creative Color Energy” workshop. We tap into using photography, paint, collage and drawing color mandala’s to work through each energy level of color.
Louise has even generously offered a SPECIAL DISCOUNT just for readers of this post!
Just enter haliheals into the checkout and receive 10 dollars (almost 20%!) off!
The next session starts on Monday February 3rd, 2014
Louise Gale
Louise Gale is a British mixed media artist, with a passion for color, nature and energy. She lives in Spain overlooking the ocean with a view of Gibraltar rock, tiny fishing boats and the North African coastline in the distance.
Louise spends her days creating, running creative workshops and assisting other creative souls with their businesses.
Louise’s artwork can be found on the front cover of Patti Digh’s gorgeous book “what I wish for you” and her series “Sew Hoboken” is also a permanent collection at the Hoboken Historical Museum in New Jersey, USA. Her work has been published in the New York Times and featured in Inc Magazine.
Connect with Louise here: