Creative Energy with the PISCES Moon: every direction is the way

When the Moon's creative energy has Pisces’ imprint - we may fall into dream, intuition, immersing in permeations of feeling and liminal realms.

It can be both ecstatic and unsettling. Or… foggy. We may feel a desire to escape, INscape, drift, disperse, transcend, sink, rise, spread, dissolve, return and MERGE.

Trust what cannot be explained. Let it be so.

Stay open to seeing unconscious motivations revealed. Or anything from the holy Invisible. Gently. As it presents, floating by, inviting, delighting.

Lose your self to find your Self (and One another) again.
Take time to zone out, dream, meditate, connect, allow and create.

Whatever takes you into prayer or trance - out of this world - will strengthen and ground your capacity to walk, heal, serve and participate.

This dreamlike state of Being+Mystery asks for our whole presence, enchantment and wonder - in all the ways we ebb and flow, unreal into real. It is how we heal.

With Pisces, it is all Oceanic.

Swimming is flying. Walking is floating. Suffering is not joy, but can lead there, and both can BE at once.

What doesn't make sense... does.

Every direction is the Way. Every relation, too.
Water shifts, forms, feeds, guides, transmits, teaches. Have some. {Protect that.} A wave, a drop, a cloud turns to rain... the macro is the micro reflected, and truth is everywhere you seek with sincerity + devotion.

Bodies are inspirited and Spirit takes form. With the stones, birds, fish, creatures, plants, trees, rivers, skies and land... we embody the invitation to see Miracle wherever we turn our attention, and to let our longing+love pour forth from our participation with a bigger picture than we could ever imagine on our own.

Remembering, everyONE of us has a little bit of EVERYone of us within.

Holy holy, You are Beloved, whether you believe it or not.

And in this, all shall be well - in all our endings, middle ways, and ways of beginning again.

These Lunar Creative Energy posts are short+sweet notes of encouraging focus tips, and in no way comprehensive of each sign’s creative imprint spectrum or the moon’s symbolism.

You carry all 12 zodiac sign archetypes in a unique combination and way, with a calling to be wholly You in your living experience and relationships. Your birth chart offers custom guidance and light - like a love letter from Creator on the day you were born - for navigating, nourishing and realizing your needs, possibilities, and the love you were born to give and allow yourself to receive. Astrology doesn't predict the future - it invites you consciously into helping co-create it with your unique energetic imprint. Creative Practice can help you tap into what this *feels* like for you specifically.

Learn about your whole birth chart and innate creative energy in my comprehensive self-paced Astrology + Creative Practice program IN THE STARS.


Creative Energy with the ARIES Moon: dare to go there


Creative Energy with the AQUARIUS Moon: the electric risk of authenticity and vision