Creative Energy with the SAGITTARIUS Moon: the quest for joy and the fire of belief

When the Moon is in Sagittarius, our creative energy can be inclined to explore, learn, look at beliefs, and expand awareness through the unfamiliar. To experience, laugh, take the plunge, shoot for our target like a skilled, focused archer.

There is a contagious optimism available if we let ourselves see what we haven't seen before in the name of joy and hope that does not sacrifice truth or depth. How can we hold that creative tension with skill and precision?

Like a creative fire, this energy can breathe activation into wherever we focus our attention and stoke the heart-flames in the name of a bigger vision.
It is an invitation to remember that, even though the adventure of our own living experience is where we meet our deepest purpose and form our beliefs, not everyone is having the same experience - and beliefs, carried or picked up unconsciously or left unchecked, can have more harmful impact than our best intentions.

And this invites us to seek further. To let new knowledge lead us back into the terrain of unknowing and beginning again. To walk in new places, with new people, who have completely different views. To choose to believe in the power of this. To share generously with one another. Not later, but now, today, as a celebration and expression of gratitude for Life, expansion, freedom.

Open your lens to the full beauty of our interconnectedness and celebrate the possibility of what this implies. In our collective evolution and in your next right-effort of being-with, standing-beside, speaking-up, or doing-for or un-doing.

May we never stop learning, sharing, listening, enjoying and discovering what calls us to engage this life with a sense of quest, purpose or adventure.

May we remember all truths exist in paradox, and that over-simplification rarely speaks of our wholeness and humanity.

May we embrace our greatness AND our smallness just enough to not fall into knee-jerk patterns of pontification or panic, but rather let the discomfort and feelings arise as our teachers.

May we seek to understand rather than to be understood, and continue to creatively celebrate and nurture Life every day we are here to experience it.

These Lunar Creative Energy posts are short+sweet notes of encouraging focus tips, and in no way comprehensive of each sign’s creative imprint spectrum or the moon’s symbolism.

You carry all 12 zodiac sign archetypes in a unique combination and way, with a calling to be wholly You in your living experience and relationships. Your birth chart offers custom guidance and light - like a love letter from Creator/Source on the day you were born - for navigating, nourishing and realizing your needs, possibilities, and the love you were born to give and allow yourself to receive. Astrology doesn't predict the future - it invites you consciously into helping co-create it with your unique energetic imprint. Creative Practice can help you tap into what this *feels* like for you specifically.

Learn about your whole birth chart and innate creative energy in my comprehensive self-paced Astrology + Creative Practice program IN THE STARS.


Creative Energy with the CAPRICORN Moon: the powerful call of your soul's work


Creative Energy with the SCORPIO Moon: choosing power with depth