In This Vision
At the deepest level, the creative process and the healing process arise from a single source. When you are an artist, you are a healer; a wordless trust of the same mystery is the foundation of your work and its integrity.
~ Rachel Naomi Remen, MD
I have been writing and reflecting and brewing deeply about what this idea of Artist~Healer means to me. I just can't get away from it when I get real honest with myself... and if you want to know what gets me excited, like what I could talk about for days... well, that's it.
When I make prayer art right now, it's there.
And in all the soulwork I've been doing in this Fearless Painting Teacher Training, that's what I keep coming back to. Artist~Healer. When all the dust and noise is cleared away, that's what's staring back at me, waiting, ready, buzzing with energy.
It's about Compassion. Presence. Spirit. Resiliency. Mystery. Yes...
So when I saw that quote again yesterday, it was like a beacon shining on my very own heart-truth.
I have so much I want to share, and I will - I can hardly wait! Just know that you haven't heard the last from me about this Artist~Healer stuff... and I want to hear more from you and others, too!
I plan to send out a very special newsletter to my mailing list very soon, so sign up if you're curious. That sweet list is where I plan to unleash some love-letter style insights, exciting offerings for this year, and ask some heart-to-heart questions.
In the meantime...
Some of you remember the guest post series I held last year - The Artist~Healer Circle. I just smile so big when I visit that page with those beautiful faces and offerings. During the holidays it came to a quiet stop, as I knew it was shifting into something a bit different, which is being birthed right now. If you haven't seen the series, or if you'd like to revisit a post that really touched you, you can still visit them HERE.
(In This Vision. Acrylic, collage, love and ink on 11"x14" vellum bristol. SOLD)