Just This

The other night I had intended to write a welcoming post to this new site, full of the explanations and reasonings for why I've begun a whole new blog, offering a glimpse into the clarity that I am coming into this space with.

But I just wasn't feeling the need to package it all up. So I decided to paint instead - always a good choice.

I quieted my mind and told the blank page I trust her... and I kid you not, the impression of this little lady was on the page before I ever lifted a brush. That kind of moment always peeks my curiosity.

So I offered her my attention and we danced in color for a bit.

And then she offered back to me a gift that comes sometimes when I drift into my practice deeply. She offered me a prayer.

So I stood on my stool with white paint and put {her} song to the sky around her.

This is what flowed out:

kneel down into the Now of the moment, deeper.
let your flesh sink into [the] soil of your soul.
reach up and begin to dissolve into you.
the light will begin to pour through you, into, of you.
and you will know there is no end.
just {you}. just this.


I don't know if the words will remain readable as I continue to paint, but they felt like truth.

Ends up I didn't need to say a thing about this sweet new space I'm creating.

I just needed to paint and listen.


January Prayer Art Invitation


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