Just This Life {5} ~ painting murals in Asheville
Photo Jun 06, 1 52 53 PM
I've always wanted to paint a public mural. It's one of those things on my bucket list/dream map.
I once got to paint a bar-room floor in a restaurant where I was a cocktail waitress, but when the tables and chairs were put back in place and the lights dimmed for the ambiance, and then people started walking all over it... well, it sort of lost its sense of satisfaction for me at the time.
But a huge fresh wall just waiting for some color and inspiration... out in the world where anyone could go by and just maybe be inspired in all the right ways...
what a journey to take that on!
Well, Steve recently got asked to paint a mural on the side of a building in downtown Asheville, at a high traffic intersection.
This is what happens when your partner is an artist, too.
You end up living vicariously through and with one another... which is nice, because you get to see what it's really all about to carry some crazy ideas through, nitty-gritty, sweat-dripping details and all.
Steve went downtown to put the base brown coat on the first day, and he came back and told me that there was a little wall off to the side that he prepped for me to paint something on!
I've painted bigger pieces in my studio, but still this had the thrill of being in public... and painting with latex on a brick wall in the elements is a bit different than acrylics on canvas or paper, to say the least.
The day I went, I didn't know what I was going to paint until I sat there for a bit.
I realized his dreaming lady figure needed a protector spirit to keep watch.
So that's what she got.
Karla Asheville mural
I've got to say, I think I could dig the mural gig from time to time...
It's living, interactive, conversation-starting art out in shared space.
I can't adequately express how much I just ADORE that whole idea.
steve painting mural downtown asheville