life has a funny way
art journal, intuitive
Life sometimes has a funny way of getting us to where we need to be.
I leave today for a trip to the black hills, to a women's circle gathering thousands of miles away, that a dear friend invited me to attend with her. Gather the Women is a heart-centered organization devoted to the empowerment of women's truth, strengthening our connection to one another and holding space through circle. So, when asked to go, and when I saw the location (I have always had a curiosity to feel the sacredness of the Black Hills for myself) - I said yes, trusting that funds and such would work out how they're supposed to.
Having been part of a variety of types of circles over the years (including groups that didn't identify as such necessarily, but were working with some of the same vision and intentions that circles often operate from) - I am looking forward to the unwinding and filling up that takes place in circle. It is something often hard to describe, but quite powerful, particularly for those of us who find ourselves in helping vocations where we wish to model and explore ways of communication that are safe, healing and honor truth. We have to get vulnerable to help others feel like they can, too.
Ends up, as life would have it in the last minute details, my friend can't make it.
But, I have a feeling I'm still heading out right to where I'm supposed to be. And it ends up another friend will be there, too.
Life has a funny way of working with our connections to one another, doesn't it?