Pages, Pauses and Falling In Place (round-up)

A couple days late on posting my round-up - I've been immersed in the creative cycles of beginnings and finishes!Here’s a few Instagram peeks from last week…

October 24:

Evening pages

October 26:

Doodles from the inbetween moments of my busy-bee weekend... charting light+shadow, seasons+stars and blindspots just waiting to sprout new life.

Creative energy + mandala medicine [evening pages]

October 27:

We had to hit the Halloween tent for his weekend gig costume. He did not go with this one, but it was a personal fav. He always makes me smile and laugh, my guy.

October 29:

Finishing up Art Heals Art Reveals which goes out next week, and this painting is the one that sits above my desk while I work. It's interesting trying to create guided instruction and language around something that is so deeply unique to each person and mostly needs to be experienced. What I most hope for is that people won't just read and listen to what I have to say, but that they'll feel instigated enough to get into their own paints and journals to harvest and tend the creative medicine they carry within.

October 30:

"And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy." #kahlilgibran

October 31:

Designs and tea are happening at the kitchen table. #ordinarymagic


It takes Time. It takes Practice. It takes Love.


Green Lights and Starting Somethings for Later {instagram weekly round-up}