Quiet Prayers, New Ink and a Silly Four-Legged (my weekly round-up)
Here’s my week in snapshots and snippets from Instagram...
November 14:
Magic in the forest, has my heart... Saturday prayers.
Ophelia... Evening pages.
November 15:
This silly dog makes us laugh so much!
Such a long time since I had homemade Indian frybead, let alone made it. Cooler weather calls for comfort foods from childhood...
November 16:
What are the mountains your creative soul desires to climb? Choose a path you find interesting and get to it. In what ways can you trust your practical sense and lean into the comfort of your own values, whims, and self-approval (over that from others)? And how can you face the tasks and roles at hand without losing yourself in them and forgetting to keep alive what thrills you most? The lunar energy is flowing with the call to integrity, ambitions, putting structures in place, trusting solitude and mapping plans that honor the wildly powerful call of your soul. What do you know of Capricorn energy and how to move with it?
Been looking this way a lot lately, breathing it all in.
November 17:
In-between processing through words and touching in with larger, more in-depth paintings, there are pages like these to keep the energy moving and flexible... Cells gone wild!
November 18:
Moon is in visionary Aquarius today. How can you express your out-of-the-box ideas today? What can you shed of the conventional or old ways of seeing to make way for some new possibility or truth to reveal itself? Try something new in your creative-expression. One of the things I learned about the Aquarian glyph is that those lines are not about water (this the water-bearer, but Aquarius is an air sign) - those lines represent the serpents of knowledge. Aquarian energy is that of the revolutionary and truth-teller. Not exactly comfortable, often misunderstood, and driven by a deep momentum for change and freedom. How does Aquarius energy show up in your creative life? It is *strong* in mine, astrologically and otherwise!! Lol
She's been a long time coming... maybe two years now, and has shape-shifted on paper and in dreams many, many times. This year has called for a personal rite, and i finally had the ink laid today. The best happy accident of all? She's on my forearm, and when I stand relaxed, she peeks out from the inside of my arm.
November 19:
Homemade studio-scrap art journals, made from old intuitive paintings, ready for new life and altering. Finished binding a few, and finally listed them in the shop, AND put up a flip-through video of one I completed altering in a 28 day creative practice earlier this year. At the blog, I also share the binding machine I use, in case you want to make your own, too!
November 20:
Moon in Pisces today.... The Moon energy is related to our inner world, emotions and the development of our subjective, deeply personal needs and sense of well-being. What feeds us inside. That's why I am loving paying attention to how lunar sign energy shows up in my organic creative tendencies and flow. Pisces energy is all about leaning into intuition, universal oneness and infinite spirit. Trusting your sense of what cannot be explained and bringing awareness to unconscious motivations, gently. Taking time to zone out, dream, meditate, connect, allow and feel. It is an energy of being and mystery, that asks for our whole presence, in all the ways we ebb and flow. I found it helpful to learn that to truly understand Pisces, we can think of the ocean, rather than simply the two fishes she is so often portrayed as. Any kindred Pisces natives out there? How does Pisces show up for you?
That’s it for me this past week on Instagram – Come say Hi!