recycled-art 'canvas' painting
recycled art 'canvas' Hali Karla
This painting feels so good to HOLD IN YOUR HANDS! Like smooth, thick, strong, yummy leather. I did not expect that when I first started ripping up old paintings on paper and running the pieces through my sewing machine like a crazy quilt last week. OK, so it's not exactly canvas - but it certainly doesn't feel like paper.
recycled art 'canvas' - Hali Karla
When I sat down to begin to paint on it, I thought I'd really intentionally play up the texture and sewn line with muted tones and rubbing - but within a few moments, I was more in the mood for thick lines and brushed, smooth areas of soft yet rich color... with paint pens and ink for some mark-making at the end.
recycled art 'canvas' - Hali Karla
I may be the only one that knows for sure just where the re-cycled paintings are peeking through in this new expression. It's kind of fun seeing my old art transformed into new, and having that little secret. Each piece sewn in was a remnant of my past creative story, and then became fresh ground for playful exploration.
Did I mention there's something delightful about holding this painting in your hands?! An object with Presence somehow - not to be mistaken for something to simply be hung on a wall and admired from a distance.
I'm intrigued.