vision, timing and grace {prayer + painting}
Let us see through eyes enlightened by understanding and compassion. Release us from judgment so we can receive the stories of our sisters and brothers with respect and attention. Open our hearts to the cries of a suffering world and the healing melodies of peace and justice for all creation. Empower us to be instruments of justice and equality everywhere.
- Prayer for Everyday for All Creation, revised by the Millionth Circle Conveners with the intention of raising consciousness, sacred connection and evoking transformation for the suffering in our world (originally the Beijing Noonday Prayer)
This prayer was shared this past weekend at the Gather The Women circle in South Dakota. I am still processing and have much to share from my experience, even more to step into, and there are also parts of great healing that took place that may never make it to the blog - we'll see.
But for today I travel home, a long day of journey in the air - and as I reflect, I'm struck by the implications of this prayer... and how the medicine of falcon and the medicine I witnessed and received this weekend are so connected.
Vast vision, right timing, and grace.
{merlin falcon mixed media collage: acrylic, watercolor, collage and prayers. 18 x 24 on paper}