The making of a garden as a creative practice

My creative practice has looked very different this year. I needed a rest from my art biz, so I let my creative curiosity, holistic needs, and a different dream lead the way... right outside, for one of my biggest, most joyful projects to date. It's been so rich, healing and fulfilling!

See some peeks and a short recap into what I've been making, learning and growing with my creative energy and attention this year.

I'm also re-starting my personal art practice and online sharing about cultivating a holistic creative life. I’m taking it slow with flexibility - and the best way to know when I post musings, updates, resources and offerings will be through my substack newsletter, the Slow Down Art Life. I'd love to have you join me there - it's free, with other options, too.

Mentioned in the video:

  • Jill at the Beginner’s Garden (and her Dream to Garden class that helped me wrap my brain around a do-able garden plan

  • Seeing my garden as a “classroom” is an idea that comes from Jess at Roots and Refuge, who always says to turn your waiting room into a classroom


Art, Garden and Kitchen Makings | Fall Season (vlog)