free introduction to astrology and your birth chart (with a creative practice invitation)

UPDATE: This guide is not available at this time, as I make some changes and shifts in delivery, but the post below may be of interest anyhow if you’re curious about astrology and your birth chart. Thanks!

Read on as I share some musings from the other day…

Ever wondered why astrology has remained with us for thousands of years, despite the overly-generalized horoscopes and cliches about Zodiac signs, and mainstream efforts to suppress, shame or write it off as mere entertaining nonsense?

It’s likely because there is way more to it than most people realize... and just enough people know that from an informed, experiential perspective.

Because astrology is meaningful, nuanced and holds truth and possibility about the human experience and how we relate to ourselves, each other, the world, and our spiritual path.

In case you’re totally new to astrology beyond magazine zodiac sun signs, let me share a couple basic starting points here…

You do not have just one Zodiac sign. You get to have a little of all 12 actually, no matter when you were born. You just have more of some than others - and that comes through in how you go about things in your life and what motivates you. (Oh - and just because that magazine says you’re one sign by its general dates, it actually could be wrong depending on the year you were born. Seriously, I thought my sun sign was Aquarius for over half my life, thanks to every newspaper and horoscope I ever looked at.)

And somewhere within those signs sit the core astrological ‘planets’ and other celestial bodies (based on where they were the minute you were born) - including the Sun and Moon - which just symbolize common instincts that all humans have to some degree and expression as well.

And those planets and signs all fall somewhere on a map with 12 territories - called Houses - that represent areas of human life - and again, we each get all 12 of these, too.

It’s all dependent on the moment, date and location of your birth, and there are literally thousands of possible combinations… so your chart really is quite unique to you.

Even twins will experience almost identical charts in different ways, so it is not like a strict, definitive set of factors in the ways we often try to rationalize why something does or doesn’t work in a literal or formulaic way our mind can be decidedly certain about.

Because there’s an unpredictable wild card to every placement in a chart, too… YOU.

Rather, it’s more like you were miraculously created, for a specific time, with a purpose, style and energy combination unique to you, but also part of an interconnected evolving story of consciousness and expanding realizations. About what it means to be alive, together on this wee little planet in the middle of a cosmic ocean beyond our imaginations and understanding. Or something totally (not) crazy like that. Something that so many other belief systems and mythologies point to.

And your birth chart “speaks” to this somehow. As well as to your natural tendencies, patterns and possible inclinations or personality expressions.

Maybe in a practical sense, the question to ask about astrology isn’t HOW does this work? (Because we actually don’t know that) But rather, DOES this indeed speak to my living experience, both within my inner landscape and my outer reality?

And if the answer is Yes, then ask ourselves how the insights can impact our perceptions, decisions and relationships in meaningful, loving, reverent and transformative ways.

See, astrology is not some locked personality or destiny description. That would be a wee bit insulting to the realities of human complexities, don’t you think? I tend to resist simplified personality systems and overt efforts to categorize us neatly into human constructs of classification or predictability, too.

The actual depths of informed astrology speak to radical presence, shifting perspectives, and initiating changes in practical, meaningful ways right now.

Your astrological chart is about how you best learn, perceive, focus, relate, shine your God-given gifts, create beauty and trouble (the good kind and not so good kind), and ultimately… about your highest expression and offering.

It points to re-membering your True self - and choosing to live more closely and deeply with love, integrity and a sense of purpose right in the messy life you are living.

It illuminates the processes of realization, release, healing, transformation, and the development of trust or faith in ways personal to each of us… a trust that accepts and makes way for that True essence of you to shine a little more every day, if you accept the invitation to remember who you were made to be, and navigate from that commitment.

Personally, I have no doubt that Creator speaks to us in the languages and contexts we use, need and can be open to, at every given point in our life.

And I have felt and witnessed many times how astrology is one of those languages. A language that allows for and encourages our individuality and self-honoring, while not letting self-interest overshadow the bigger picture of our small, yet important part in an interconnected, collective unfolding.

I love taking deep dives into this sort of stuff - and how it can (in)form us and our lives.

So I get a bit excited to connect with those who want to explore and learn for themselves, forming their own thoughts, questions and opinions about whether this language has meaning for them.

Astrology can speak right to the heart and healing for many people, removing their accumulated doubts about who they are and why they are here, and lifting up within them what it means to be in the process of a life that we help co-create with our choices, presence and impact.

People often describe a good astrology experience and understanding as one in which they feel truly seen - for who they are, inside and out.

And I read charts, y’all - so I’m here to tell you… it isn’t ME, or the astrologer initiating the seeing. I just translate the symbols into meaning that is already there. I’m just a messenger. As if it truly was written on the stars by our almighty Maker somehow. Or impressed upon the stardust that became our cells.

So, maybe you are someone wondering about this language of astrology, or your own birth chart.

If so, I invite you to learn a little more by grabbing the free guide.

Have a look at your chart for yourself, see if it sparks anything in your curiosity or intuition before you learn the nitty-gritty about it, and then become familiar with some of the language and see where it leads.

Your chart - and the time you spend learning about it - just might speak something sacred or forgotten to you in unexpected ways.

If it makes you feel a little more whole, vital, grounded and part of something mysterious and meaningful in this wacky world - with a life to be grateful for or aspire toward - then it’s time well spent, in my book. Decide for yourself if it’s your cup of tea.

Or, heck it can just be fun to play with some of the symbols, which is what we do in the Creative Practice invitation in the guide.

if you KNOW this creative astrology stuff interests you…

There’s a new self-guided version of the full IN THE STARS program.


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