I feel it in my body.
In the small of my back, the base of my neck,
the place between my brows and in my belly...
The call to be quiet.
The call to release the woes of my cells
into the soft stillness of a higher power.
To lighten the build-up sludge within my mind
To let go.
To slow down.
To cleanse.
To savor.
To shine.
Today, it is not about cleaning the floors
or the dishes or shower,
or checking off on my to-do list or bankbook
or de-cluttering my desk
so that tomorrow
i can tackle my tasks Better
and get more Done
and Make things happen
and become more more More...
Right now, in this time
It is about burning my to-do list
Forgiving my mess
Smiling softly, sincerely at piles undone
In surrender to,
but not threatened by
the shapeshifting flow of Change that surrounds
It is about letting the thoughts roll away as quick as they come
like water off a feather
So that i can sit in this miracle of a body,
that will pass
In this world absorbed by my synapses,
that will also pass
And sink into the gentle vibration
that is me
already in perfect expansion.