Give Your Dream Wings {hop-flap-fly}
I couldn't refuse the invitation to take part in this blog-hop hosted by Andrea Schroeder, and I'll tell you why.... First, I wholeheartedly believe in the work, message and inspiration Andrea is bringing into the world. Period. Second, this hop is a celebration of a FREE gift (see below) that is right in line with how I began to move closer to my own dreams of a sustainable, simpler life guided by my creativity, intuition and core values. So, I know from experience it can work for you, whatever your dream is.
So, what supports, nurtures and encourages my dreams to come to life?
Well, it's a dynamic combination of elements that work together, to be perfectly honest. We all have our own mix, but here's a few fundamental components for me personally...
Realizing that the dreams I have are like precious gifts given just to me, to hold, to nurture, to tend, to care-take, to love into being. That only I can do that. And that there is a mysterious link between what I dream and being the best person I can in this life - to my people, my world, my self. And in honor of that, making that mystery and those dreams PRIORITY.
Which means, COMMITTING to them. Committing to a creative life in alignment and integrity with my values and dreams, even when that means that things might have to change in ways that aren't comfortable at first. Big dream chasing is not for the faint of heart, but the journey is SO worth it!
Which leads to the component of COURAGE. Taking risks. Doing it anyway. Trying. Giving it your best shot. Falling, stumbling, dusting your feathers off and trying again.
This takes energy. So, a huge part of breathing life into my dreams and my dreams into my life means cultivating a conscious relationship with ENERGY awareness. Where I give it, where it is returned, where it leaks, where it overflows. When to flap my wings and when to soar on the wind current, if you will. What drains me and fills me up...
... and simply checking in with my dreams and values regularly - and saying NO to that which doesn't resonate or serve the greater vision. Which includes perfectionism. What I say no to creates such sweet spaciousness for the YES of my dreams and soulwork, and allows them the grace to evolve and shift as I continue to grow. It also makes me synchronistically available to places and people where I am able to offer my innate gifts (which ironically, fills me up rather than drains me - win win!). This discernment means learning how to be OK with not pleasing everyone, when to let things go, when to ask for help, and how to use my strengths as assets. This is a work in process, of course - and I find it so important to come back to kindness and gentleness toward my own process, daily.
To stay centered for some of those tough ones, it is so important for me to have rituals of connecting with my devotion - to Nature and Creative Source. Daily rituals of intention. Literally grounding with the earth, the sun, the stars and rivers, my own body and breath, my relations... as well as keeping my own creative practice every single day, whether it be through writing, taking photos, dreaming on the page, painting, or tending our home lovingly.
I cannot say enough for the importance of rest, water, intentional movement and wholesome foods as part of a holistic plan for dream-birthing and life-creating. The connection between realizing our creative potential and these essential components of surviving and thriving fuel much of my vision behind Spectrum and the other work I do now... because it is ALL connected to our experience and perception of the quality of our lives.
For me, there was a tipping point when I was working as a full-time nurse. I could no longer hush what my whole body, mind and spirit was screaming at me, and so I had to let go of "seemingly" ideal situations to begin to create the life that my whole soul knew I was meant to be living. When I gave my 30 day notice, I promised myself I would spend 10-20 minutes each day doing one thing toward my first business. When those 30 days were up, I had accomplished SO much, and already had calls for my first clients. All it took was a little time and commitment and to simply BEGIN with a vision of a different way of living and small ACTIONable steps.
That's how I know what Andrea is offering can work. My life has shifted quite a bit since I took those first intentional steps toward living my truth... which was a lot like stepping off the tree the first time and flapping fresh feathers... but that's how to build strength and confidence. hop flap fly... trust trust trust...Wings are made to fly, after all.
The Give Your Dream Wings Blog Hop (now over) is a peek inside the process of how inspiring people make the magic happen. We've got some of the internet's most inspiring bloggers sharing how they give their dreams wings - what they do that supports, nurtures and encourages their tender dreams to come to life.
This is happening in celebration of the new e-course of the same name by Andrea Schroeder of the Creative Dream Incubator (pictured above). The Give Your Dream Wings e-course shows you how to nurture and grow YOUR dream, for free, in only 10 minutes a day. You do not have to wait until you have more time or money!