heartbeat (vlog): intuitive truth, choosing teachers, comparison & consistency
studio day: vlog + pictures, Hali Karla Arts
Weekly check-in time! Today's studio day was a little different.
In this video, I just touch on something that is super juicy for practice awareness - truth vs. consistency. I think there will be more on that one in a blog post... because, of course, what shows up in creative practice, pertains to how we show up to life, too!
I mention RELATE at the end of this one. I thought I might share more today about the circle coming up in October, but I'm finding it curiously tender - because what I present in RELATE is so close to my own struggles, revelations and my personal contemplative creative practice. I haven't shared as much publicly this year from my prayer painting practice, because I've been exploring it inwardly, but I am feeling ready to begin to sift the words again and offer some of what I've discovered to the women who join RELATE this year - that they might come a step closer to their own soul-truth in practice and relationship. There are still spots to join us if you feel called.