Holistic Creative Chat with Lisa Hofmann
This week's guest is someone I first encountered through the Fearless Painting tribe years ago, when I first started blogging myself... and I have to confess I was always a bit enamored by the way she emanates wisdom and wholeheartedness in her own down-to-earth, honest way. I was so happy she said yes to contributing to Spectrum this year, AND to taking the time to have a little chat with me to share here.
We chat it up about finding creative practice in how we live day-to-day, how accountability helps with our creative visions, presence and a topic near and dear to both of us - self-care. Grab a seat and hit play - or do some of those stretches you know you want to while you listen. We're glad you're here!
You can visit Lisa RIGHT HERE.
Join Lisa for her workshop Mandala Moon Meditations, in this year’s SPECTRUM Holistic Creative Circle, along with 24 other guest contributors. (Begins May 1, 2015)
Listen to artist, yogini and mother Lisa Hofmann share about creative practice, self-care, presence and healing... (Mandala by Lisa Hofmann)