smack dab in the center (new painting)
this is one of those pieces. maybe you know what i mean...
when you feel something in your process has shifted, or expanded, or freshened up and come alive again. That. *sigh*
i'm not sure if it's because it's the first large piece i've painted in awhile, or if it's the raw, grungy cardboard with its corrugated texture + haphazard collaging + sketchy graphite lines. it's most likely the way I came to it. no expectations but to explore expression, lose myself a little in it and get my hands dirty. there's a real freedom in that - it feels true.
in a way that raises my energy AND quiets my own inner noise - until i find myself smack dab in the center of my vision, in the practice of holding it, loosely, while it evolves and adapts.