Spectrum 2016 Teacher Line-Up, Blog-Hop Give-Away, and new Scholarship Opportunity! (Giveaway Now CLOSED)
Spectrum 2016 Holistic Creative Workshop, join us
UPDATE: The Giveaway is now CLOSED. Thank you so much to everyone for playing along in the blog-hop, sharing, and your beautiful entries!
The winners of my 3 free passes are:
Suzana Gaal
Rob Keogh
Patricia Griffin
Congratulations!!!!!(I will be contacting you by 2/5 and getting you all set-up)
SPECTRUM 2016 is now over.
Hello Hello, Beautiful Souls! I have to tell you, today sort of feels like the actual start of the New Year for Hali Karla Arts, since I get to finally share with you the spectacular contributors and their workshops for the Spectrum 2016 Holistic-Creative Journaling program - as well as some fun new features and changes for Spectrum's third year!
Spectrum 2016 will officially open for registration on February 1 this year, right after we give-away over 30 free passes in our new blog-hop give-away celebration - which starts today with this post! For the next two weeks, you will have 2 new chances each day to enter to win a free pass to Spectrum 2016.
If you have never heard of Spectrum, let me briefly share a small bit of the how-it-came-to-be history with you...
As far as my memory goes back, I've been an artist of all sorts of mediums - visual, 2D & 3D, writing, music, theatre, you name it. I even earned a couple degrees in Fine Art. And then something else deep inside of me called - so I spent 8 years as a caregiver and registered nurse to the terminally ill... finding myself not only learning about holistic healing, communication & families in the most intimate ways, but also on a much-needed, indescribable journey of my own healing. Another turn on my path, from the creative stirrings within, and I found myself wholeheartedly devoted to being an artist again - but this time with a different lens, and a deeper understanding about the connection and parallels between creativity, relationship and healing, and the links between engaging our creative process consciously and feeling a sense of our own innate wholeness. I wanted to explore and share about this with others.
That is the seed that led to the sprouting vision for Spectrum. Combined with personal experience in circles and the belief that we are wiser and stronger when we come together to share perspective and hold safe space for response and growth, I knew Spectrum could be something really special if guided not just by me, but by a variety of artists, healers and visionaries.
So each year, I invite new contributors to create a mixed-media or holistic-awareness workshop lesson to inspire and invite you toward self-empowered expression, the power of play, and the gifts of reflection for finding meaning within your own life, imagination and dreams. In Spectrum, you will be invited to consciously dance with your creativity and your wholeness - to practice curiosity and get raw, messy, poetic and aesthetic in the safe pages of your journal, in our Holistic-Creative groups if you choose, and to let what you discover overflow into how you engage with your life and relationships.
Art by Spectrum 2016 contributors, Bebe Butler, Briana Goetzen, Cat Caracelo
Spectrum 2016 will be guided by 20 NEW featured guest teachers and more than 20 returning contributors offering a variety of workshops, inspiration and invitations - all intended to empower, nurture and celebrate your innate creative expression, healing journey, and personal development!
There will be weekly inspiration, invitations & reflective activities related to mixed-media art-making and journaling, for 22 weeks, beginning on May 2, 2016.
For the past two years, Spectrum has offered a variety of richness, and each year it is ever-important to me to check in with participants, myself and the vision of the program to nurture it to evolve and grow. So this year, we will see an amazing line-up of program lessons like we have before, as well as some fun surprises, new tweaks and changes to make our third year the most fulfilling yet!
NEW for 2016:
This Blog-Hop Give-Away Celebration! Yay! Learn how to enter below.
A brand new confidential scholarship program for those in financial hardship and meeting other eligibility requirements (like being a single parent, or person of color, facing health and healing hardships, etc). We have 15 to give-away - more details and the application will be available on Feb. 1 at the bottom of the registration page
A new, simply beautiful, easy-to-use, private online classroom that will host each weekly lesson - where you will have ongoing, unlimited access once the lessons go live. (no more keeping track of yet another pdf file, unless you choose to)
New format & schedule, including weekly emails, to increase and deepen a sense of rhythm, engagement & community for those who wish to connect with one another (Spectrum can be a totally self-paced & solitary ecourse for your creative practice, too - totally up to you!)
oh... and did I mention, a LOWER PRICE! for EVERYONE. True story. Mainly because it is part of the Spectrum vision to make this program accessible to as many as possible, since it is so often described by participants as heart-healing, soul-touching, and life-shifting. The power of creativity to enrich and heal never needs to break the bank!
an upcoming affiliate program for anyone who shares the Holistic-Creative Vision (this will be a great way to earn back your registration fee and maybe a little supply money if you have a blog, active social media presence or wide network of friends and acquaintances who might be interested in joining in!)
WHO is making Spectrum 2016 possible, besides me fiddling with details behind-the-scenes???
These amazingly radiant creative souls... artists, teachers, healers, visionaries, writers, lovers-of-life and instigators of creative expression... we wouldn't have Spectrum without them.
20 new teachers for Spectrum 2016 are joined by 25 returning contributors!
I'm betting you just might recognize a few faces - and would enjoy getting acquainted with a few of the new-to-you souls as well!
In Spectrum 2016, you will receive
20 in-depth lessons from our new guest contributors
3+ creative practice lessons with me
10+ new bonus offerings (along with access to 15 of the popular previously-released classes) from 25 returning contributorsall for just $98!
Spectrum 2016 Holistic Creative Workshop - join us
Whether you win one of the 30+ give-away passes, receive one of the 15 scholarships, or simply sign up when registration opens, I do hope, one way or the other, that you'll join us (registration opens February 1).
—-> SPECTRUM 2016 is now over.
As your facilitator, I will personally be offering lots of surprise inspiration & opportunities along the way, a few give-aways, and 3 lessons directly related to keeping a creative practice in your visual journals and how to get the most out of your overall Spectrum experience.
About the Blog-Hop Give-Away:
I am giving away 3 spots to Spectrum 2016 here on this post.
Starting tomorrow, two more Spectrum contributors will open up a giveaway at their blogs - and two more each day, through January 28.
All of the new teachers are playing along - and quite a few of the returning contributors volunteered to join in the blog-hop fun, too - so there are over 30 chances to win a free pass! Your best chance at winning is to enter as many of those giveaways as you can before January 31, when each contributor draws their winner(s).
TO ENTER my give-away, please do each of the following:
Share this blog post on your social media sites (thanks!)
Sign up for the Holistic Creative Connection mailing list (this is the best way to see if you won, plus you'll get access to a couple of free art journaling ecourses of mine as well!)
Leave a comment below letting us know why you would love to be a part of Spectrum 2016, or what you are looking forward to most about the program
(Please only leave ONE comment. And FYI: if you've never commented here before, your comment will have to be approved before it shows up!)
I will announce the winner of my 3 free Spectrum 2016 passes here on this post and to my mailing list on February 1, 2016 - the same day pre-registration opens!
Below is a list of the other teachers who are playing along in the blog-hop, with the dates their give-away blog-post goes live - so be sure to visit their site this month and enter there, as well! (just click on their name)
13 January:Hali Karla <<< YOU ARE HERE
14 January:Andrea SchroederAngelique Arroyo15 January:Bebe Butler Beth Morey 16 January:Briana Goetzen Carissa Paige 17 January:Cat CaraceloCatherine Anderson 18 January:Chris Zydel Effy Wild 19 January:Elloa AtkinsonGrace Howes 20 January:Gretchen MillerKara LC Jones 21 January:Kelly JohnsonKristina "Kitty" Oppegard 22 January:Kristal NortonLisa Hofmann 23 January:Lisa WilsonLucy Pearce24 January:Malini ParkerMeghan Genge 25 January:Melissa Harris Michelle Turbide26 January:Petrea Hansen-AdamidisRachael Rice 27 January:Robin HallettShelley Klammer 28 January:Suki Ciappara Ka'Pinao Tara Leaver