There Is No Fight Left In Her


" There is no fight left in her. And that's the best thing that ever happened for her.

For far too long the futile battle of light & dark has left her exhausted. She's accepting both light & dark as the inherent gifts of the universe. She's not in a dueling match with them. The light no longer wishes to 'reform' her dark, and her dark no longer wants to 'control' the light. Suddenly, she's not playing the polarity game.

She's not fooled into buying the teaching that there's something wrong with her that needs fixing, and she's got work to do before she's finally 'good'. Her divinity is in fully embracing her humanity. All of it. So where's the imperfection?

The myth that one day light will vanquish the dark and there will be peace would have kept her exhausted & imprisoned. She's already at peace right now! Even the light and dark within her are sitting at peace with each other. Game over.

What she's experiencing in the ceasing of war is an unbelievable tranquility & peace. Thank goddess she believed in her own wisdom."

~ Sukhvinder Sircar

(breadcrumb upon my path via Alisa Starkweather)


Arts & Health Month Celebration! (and various other beginnings today)


Earth~Wise Prayer Painting