21 Secrets LIVE for 2014!!! {I'm so there!}
This is not 21 Secrets as we've ever known it before... (though you can count on the 21 Secrets you've loved & relied upon to be available in 2014 as well).
This is something totally new from Dirty Footprints Studio - just a little 5 year celebration party... LIVE (from the comfort of your own home or studio)... for 21 weeks!!!
21 favorite teachers from past 21 Secrets years, offering a LIVE! art journaling broadcast where you can art journal alongside them and chat with other journalers!
Julie Fei-Fan Balzer Dion Dior Jane Davenport Andrea Schroeder Aimee Myers Dolich
Alma Stoller Carissa Paige Dale Anne Potter Violette Clark Roben-Marie Smith
Rachel Whetzel Natasha Reilly Rae Missigman Diana Trout Gretchen Miller
Hali Karla Rachel Awes Traci Bunkers Lisa Wilson Kate Crane
Tracy Verdugo Kelly Barton Connie Hozvicka
(Your Host)
These broadcasts will be recorded for all members - so if you have to miss one, no big deal - you can watch it later on your own time.
Sounds pretty awesome doesn't it?
Did I mention that I'll be on one of those broadcasts myself... oh, wait - I'll actually be on three - because I get the honor of hosting a couple of those broadcasts, too, in April!
I'm super excited for any chance to come together with artists near and far to create and share - and I'm hoping you'll join us with your art journals and presence.
Communities of art-makers are such good medicine for the soul!