Holistic Creative Chat with Jamie Ridler
The one and only Jamie Ridler is this week's Holistic Creative guest! A Creative Living Coach and Expressive Artist, you may know her from her Creative Living TV and podcast series, her daily Behind the Scenes videos and her beautiful offerings over at her virtual studio.
She shares with us a little something she had to accept about her own creative truth, where resistance is showing up right now for her, the "why" that moves her to inspire, and in all of that - a little insight about Pushing Through vs. Right Timing...
You can visit Jamie RIGHT HERE.
Join Jamie for her workshop in this year’s SPECTRUM Holistic Creative Circle ::
Gathering Words: Finding Your Voice - Discovering Your Inner Poet(ry) –
You are a poet. You are a poem. Inside you and all around you are the words of your heart, your story, your truth. In this workshop, we’ll delight in being collectors, gathering to us words that touch our souls. We will play with words as though they were colours, looking for magical combinations that unlock the door to the part of your creative heart that is alive with poetry – even if you’ve never fallen in love with poetry before. You will learn a process that you can use again and again to find inspired, personal words for your creative work.
by Jamie