The RHYTHM Way Begins with an invitation...
Today, I have a very special Invitation for you, coming right from my heart.
It's not an ordinary invitation. It's not your usual art workshop or e-course. It's certainly not for everyone.
Last week I released this invitation privately to my mailing list and the Sacred Art of Women group, and amazing women began to claim seats in this circle. Women that inspire me and are looking for something... different, something deeper. I am honored to be able to hold space with these wise women that are gathering.
There are some seats remaining, and today I extend the invitation out further to reach those women to whom they belong.
How precious small women's groups are at this time when we are just beginning to trust the truth of our experience.
~ Sherry Ruth Anderson & Patricia Hopkins
Between you and me, this particular invitation marks a shift for my offerings and creative life. A shift that is sourced right in the heart of my experience, gifts and call to service in the world. It has me on my edge in all the right ways.
What I have witnessed, studied and practiced with, time and time again, in one way shape or form, because I can't resist its pull on me, are the innate rhythms, patterns and core desires that guide everything we do, see, create, realize, and express - from our physical bodies, to our relationships, to our spirit & soul-truth, to how we navigate ALL of our choices and the details of the world.
There are layers within rhythms, and rhythms within rhythms, and they all impress upon one another to create our whole experience. They hold the key to how we relate, connect, offer, receive and seek/find.
These rhythms are like the orientation summit on which we stand, from which we perceive and form our whole perspective and response to life within and around us.
At their best, they are at a pace and intensity that is in alignment with our nature. They are resilient and harmonious when nurtured and honored. But when disregarded, can be inadvertently impressed upon and altered by external factors, becoming erratic, disjointed, out of sync, and energetically drained....
The Rhythm Way is what I am calling the process of nourishing our unique inner rhythms, a process of cultivating a relationship with our creative energies and practicing the art of wholehearted Presence.
In my own passionate pursuits I have come to know this :: Creativity and Presence are Medicine of the people.
They are a Medicine we have moved away from in these times, but they are as alive and infinite as ever. As a holistic artist, nurse, and seeker, I have seen the magic of this Medicine work its mysterious healing time and time again. It is the Medicine we were born with, for ourselves, for each other, for our earth.
It is dynamic, expressive Medicine that wears many manifestations.
The RHYTHM Way is an access point to this innate Medicine within.
A RHYTHM Session is a small circle for creative women, a safe container in which to practice living the flow of this Sacred Medicine.
There will be art-making, sacred teachings, and the sharing of our truths and wisdom.
Today, I offer you an invitation to join the very first RHYTHM Session!