truly, deeply, being seen... Join Me on Patreon

I will not teach or love or show you anything perfectly,
but I will let you see me,
and I will always hold sacred the gift of seeing you.
Truly, deeply, seeing you.
 - Brene Brown

The intuition that guides how we express our creative truth is ever on-to-something and oh-so-wise.

I’m always glad when I listen and do what it says.

That’s why I’m making a big change for Hali Karla Arts that I have been considering for four years.

After blogging and teaching online for 8 years now, I have decided to launch a Patreon page for the next chapter of Hali Karla Arts. As a way to offer easy and affordable access to Creative Practice offerings for you. As a way of opening myself to receive pressure-relieving sustainability while I create courses, content, art and reflections to share. As a way to stretch beyond business-as-usual transactions/courses/marketing, and choose instead the stronger ways of gratitude and relational reciprocity, flexibility and value.

So, I have opened a new Patreon page where you can now join me for ongoing Creative Practice + Process goodness, courses, gatherings and connection!

This is how you will best be able to play and work with me moving forward, and I hope you will like it!

I want to show up, slow down and make art.

I want the same for you, and to share that with you - in the name of joy, healing, connection, meaning, depth and staying true somehow in a mad world.

Because I know I'm a better, more alive+loving human when I do... and some of you are, too. (((i see you, creative souls)))

And the world needs better, more loving humans, consciously alive to their creative power and expression, yes?! I joke... but I'm serious, too. ;-)

It is a sort of WITHNESS I crave. In my Creative Practice. In my art and offerings. In how I participate in these times and create to share with others, with you. In my human relationships, as well as my relationship with the land, the plants and critters. In my inner evolution and intuition, in our shared collective transformations and contributions, and in the presence of what is sacred to each of us.

Creative Process has always been my ship, channel, anchor, and port to this. This withness, bigger than any one of us. A direct line to the intuitive messiness and experiential, dynamic beauty of the human condition.

I’m here for it. And I’m here for you. For our inner artists, healers, seers and seekers - finding our ways on this sea-changing spirit of creativity.

So I hope you’ll have a look and consider joining me over at Patreon - for this new way of creating and connecting together!

There’s also a new video there that explains more about what it is and this decision - plus details on how to join and what you’ll receive depending on which tier you choose.

It is all still coming together and being tweaked on the page - so this is a soft announcement really.

But we thrive in our creative energy when we have the witness of others, so sharing the invitation with you all feels rejuvenating right now, even while I'm still in-process with it.

Because honestly, aren’t we always somehow in-process with our creative path and offerings? I certainly hope so, anyway, because that means we’re still learning and open to the mystery of our own creative soul.

You’ll see more things rolling out on my Patreon this week and next, and new patrons are already warming up the space with me. (((Thank you!)))

Being able to make my art and create ways to support your Creative Practice and soul-making journey means so very much to me.

If you have any questions at all, do let me know!


as if guided, we reach for creativity and healing (even when we don't see it)


never say never