Creative Practice Inspiration, Musings, & Resources
Explore creative practice as a way of life through art-making, plant-tending, and cultivating daily holistic awareness+action in ever-changing times
These days, the best way to stay updated with what I share online is through my newsletter, the Slow Down Art Life - which I do hope you’ll join!
A Year of Creative Mixed Media Inspiration with 24 Artists
Make Create Express is a year long mixed media adventure that kicks off with a FREE Creative Retreat weekend-The Tempter Sessions (open to all).
Do You Trust Your Creative Energy in Art & Life? Even when things change?
How do you trust the ebb and flow of your creative energy in art AND life? Can you let things change?
Flower and Plant Inspired Art
Exploring flowers and plants in art-making is full of inspiration, and here are a few approaches I’ve been enjoying