Virtual or Live, Circles Raise Energy {join us}
This weekend, in my Sacred Art of Women group, we will be creating art in service of Peace for our world.
Each woman participating will express this however suits her - spiritually and creatively. She can share and connect with others in the group over the course of the weekend, or just honor her own quiet contribution from wherever she is. Whether she has 10 minutes to give or 3 hours, doesn't matter. It's the intention of our collective energy that matters.
This is in honor of Saturday, September 21, which is International Day of Peace. Consider joining in a moment of silence at noon in your timezone.
This is also in honor of the Equinox this weekend - that we all might go inward to our own truth and reflect a bit about what we want to tend to and harvest in our lives, offering thanks to the earth and sky, and opening ourselves to a sense of abundance, gratitude and devotion in the way we move in the world.
Most of the event in the group will be unmoderated - but those who can will join for a Live Spreecast meet-up Sunday evening at 7:30pm EDT. This is a free gathering for members of the group. If you'd like to join us, drop me a private message over on facebook and I'll add you to the group where all the info and links are.
On Saturday, I will also be honoring this collective energy by holding the first live Sacred Art of Women ~ Creative Women's Circle here in Asheville. There are still a few seats left if you'd like to join us in person.
I continue to be amazed by the creative energy that is raised in virtual women's circles - and I am beyond grateful and thrilled to begin to bring this to my community in-person, as well.
We are at a potent time in our world - and when women come together and do the healing work that happens naturally just by showing up to one another, we stoke the fires of change within us - softly, boldly, wildly, tangibly - becoming activated within our own skin, our own lives, our very hearts, to shine light and share our gifts and voices, uninhibitedly, that others might heal and thrive as well.
Photo Sep 17, 12 25 03 PM