when plants whisper, listen (Calendula creative practices)

Calendula has reseeded in my garden this year and called for my attention, so I've been slowing down to "listen" and spend a little more time with this sunny, medicinal and edible flower - connecting through my creative art practice, making a flower essence, and more. This short video shares a peek.

As I mention in the video, the message that feels resonant to me with Calendula’s re-appearance is this: I didn’t plant any new seeds this year due to lack of time, but I did plant some last year. And that was plenty… she re-seeded herself with vigor and vitality, taking up more space and sprawling from the bed into the lawn with unapologetic vibrancy. I didn’t expect the Calendula to come back like this, I didn’t invite it (plant more seeds) per se. But it didn’t matter. She didn’t wait for the invitation or expectation. As the season tickled her natural instincts, she showed up strong, bright, cheery, in all her creative energy anyway, reaching to cup and reflect the sun’s light, offering that joyful, pure, healing gift of her presence. A whisper that it’s ok to do the same in my life… and you in yours.

When you feel things like this, just from the presence of a plant, how can it not feel profound? It only took noticing, with enough curiosity to let her do her thing unimpeded, and a few moments of pausing to lreceive just the medicine and encouragement nature had to whisper through this plant’s being-ness. Like a kiss to my creative heart.

making a calendula flower essence in the garden

The calendula variety in my garden is "erfurter orange" - a calendula officinalis grown for its high oil content and bright blossoms.

Mentioned in the video:

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