A Year of Creative Mixed Media Inspiration with 24 Artists

I’m happy to announce that I’ll be a returning teacher for the Make Create Express '2024-25 workshop this year, alongside 23 other artist-teachers.

Make Create Express is a year long mixed-media adventure that kicks off with a FREE Creative Retreat weekend - “The Tempter Sessions” (open to all). There is a wide range of lessons, so you are sure to learn new techniques, new processes and discover new ways to express your own unique creativity. It’s a great way to get to know the vibe of some new online artist-teachers, too.

During the FREE weekend event, you can access 24 lessons for free. This generous offering alone can be enough to spark new life and ideas into your creative practice.

So sign up to join us for a weekend of creativity and community on July 13th & 14th:

Or, you can opt-in to join us for the year long art-making adventure, which includes all of the tempter sessions plus a new lesson each week for a year (over 72 lessons!!). Access is ongoing once each lesson is released, so you can pick-and-choose what calls to you, and work at your own pace, too.

It felt so good creating my lessons this year, after taking some time off from teaching online, and needing a jump-start back into my own creative practice. All three of my lessons come right from an authentic place in my own changing creative process this season.

My first lesson, for the tempter sessions on the free weekend is:

A Fit To Behold

So much of making art is about how we choose and arrange colors, shapes, textures, materials and more to evoke a feeling we enjoy or wish to express or experience. We play and try to find what communicates an idea or “fits” our vision, sense or curiosity at the moment. Let’s explore a variety of papers, materials and possibilities to create a small sample of intuitive mixed-media art objects that celebrate and invite touch, holding and wonder. These objects of contemplation can serve as sketches or catalysts for future art, or make unique handmade gifts.

My main lessons for the year long workshop are:

Flirt, Forage & Flow

There is nothing like having your own set of ready-made, unique-to-you painted papers for your mixed-media art-making. But we all know that our stash of papers and colors, once beloved and exciting, can start to feel old and repetitive after awhile. So, for this playful lesson, we will experiment and explore to alter, refresh, and create new inspiration for your collection of collage fodder. You will try a variety of materials you already love and/or have on hand to bring new sparks of inspiration into your practice and bridge your art from what you’ve made before to what you would like to make now and moving forward.

handmade painted papers with artist Hali Karla


A Part of This Place

Adventure within… into a place of curiosity, wonder or memory as you explore it through your imaginal lens and this special creative practice lesson. Together, we’ll tap into the colors of feelings, details of delight, and big picture connections as you create a paper-painting where all the parts belong to a sense of rich, playful wholeness in a story of place that is entirely yours.

I say “yes” to contributing to Galia’s (MCE host) beautiful offering because it is always so generous and rich with inspiration, optional community, and grounded+actionable ideas for our creative practices - from the free weekend right through the entire year-long workshop.

Even if you select just a handful of the lessons to work through, it is a good deal, too.

You can find out more about all the teachers and lessons over at the Make Create Express site.

Would you like inspiration & updates for cultivating your creative practices, intuition and nature connection? I send out monthly-ish notes, with options for more…


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The Beautiful Side of Change