Re-charge with a Simplified Art Practice (FREE guide)

A soul-nourishing, daily-ish creative art practice is not out of reach, even if/when there is already a lot on your life’s plate.

One of the biggest challenges my students often face (and me, too), is finding time in our full and busy days for our creative practice. Ironically, of course - the busiest or most stressful times are often when our creative spirits most need the gift of renewal our practice provides.

The key can be simplifying how we think about our art practice, how we go about actually doing it, and reclaiming intentional pockets of solitude for our own creative wellbeing.

There is a practice I’ve come back to again and again, through decades of making art, because it works at nourishing my artistic self, finding my energetic flow again, and helping me feel inspired and connected to something bigger.

intuitive ink drawings by Hali Karla

It works its magic and keeps me tapped into my creativity even in the midst of life’s hard times, busy times, healing times, changing times, and well… all the times, really.

Even if what I make with this practice is not my favorite art, per se, it always plants seeds of ideas, hope and possibilities that I come back to in my process and makings later.

Once, I even unintentionally created a whole body of work with this practice that made it into a gallery show and took a drawing prize from the jurors. I was not expecting that from a practice that I came up with for myself intuitively, as an evening practice, when I had very little energy to make my art, and while going through some tough times.

That was decades ago now, but this practice is still one I come back to regularly like a reliable friend. It’s like a soul-grounding re-charge with my creative spirit, and anyone can make it their own (no art experience necessary).

I share some peeks and ideas about how to go about adopting a similar creative practice for yourself in a short video I made called, “A Pen and You.”

Right now, you can receive access to watch this video for free when you subscribe to my newsletter, A Slow Down Art Life.

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