Do You Trust Your Creative Energy in Art & Life? Even when things change?

6x6” mixed-media on aquaboard butterfly painting by Hali Karla

At a Creative Practice Art Table hour last week, some of us were chatting about how our art practices slow down a bit with the heat and the thickening of gardens, warm weather happenings, and general summer energy.

At least for me, this time of year seems to invite me to notice more, stop and see longer, feel more of my being-ness with the seasonal movement, and let myself shift on-the-fly to enjoy rising urges and interests in the moment. Even if they’re not exactly what I expected to do with my time.

And then I also feel the pull of the harvesting and gathering in my blood… to collect, organize, squirrel things and ideas away for drier, colder times.

Garden colorful harvest from my garden and local farmers markets, Western North Carolina

There’s a fine ‘balance’ to be found between using our time well with deliberate intention and focus, and letting ourselves relax+revel in the magic beauty of moments as we flow with them, a little more unconstrained and less “business as usual” in the rhythms of the day.

Trusting the flow of our creative energy is like this, too.

We can channel it into art, service and creations with clear intention, for instance. And this is good.

We can also reunite with its mystery and possibility by letting it lead us as it will in our living experience, more spontaneously, even if we don’t understand why or where it’s taking us, or what will come of it, if anything. This is also so very good.

This might mean pursuing things that light you up with curiosity just because, or trying a new thing and being a totally awkward beginner again, or totally simplifying or decluttering your process or space, or shaking up a routine you’ve fallen into in your creative practice and doing something you normally wouldn’t do at all.

It could mean percolating, preparing, or letting the anticipation of action ripen our consciousness and readiness for the things some part of us deep within longs to create and participate in.

Sometimes it means taking a break from making art altogether, or finding a completely different pace and frequency with it - or returning to a beloved medium you’ve long since left behind.

a large work-in-process acrylic painting that I’m taking my sweet time with (Hali Karla Arts)

Always, for me, trusting my creative spirit (inner artist) to guide me starts with asking some variation of the questions:


Where is the energy for me, really? 

  • Where is the beauty? The truth? The thing to explore or learn more about?
 The connection I can sense that wants to be known better?

  • What is truly calling my attention, uninfluenced by external expectations, triggers, or those around me?

Is there energy in pursuing this, even if just a little bit, right now?

  • And if so, what am I waiting on, really?

It can feel rebellious to spend our time trusting our creative energy when it seems not “on-task.” Or when it nudges us to rest more, do less, let go, be free, or have nothing to show for our time (even if it felt rich and fruitful to us within).

Our inner rebel is often a wise, creative spark for igniting our sense of wholeness and vitality, though. It has a spirit worth listening to in a world that desperately wants and profits from your conformity, resignation and ceaseless efforts to self-improve.

It’s also truly amazing how letting ourselves take time to do (or be with) what we have creative curiosity, flow or feeling for can be the very fuel we need to see to all the other things we have less energy for in life, too.

So let yourself trust the truth of your creative energy and urges, and that soft little voice within that steers you from the ‘shoulds’ toward the ‘wants’ that light you up inside.

art journal watercolor sketch, summertime florals, Hali Karla

Your creative life or calling as an artist is not dependent on your practice, offerings, perspectives, path or art looking or staying a certain way.

In truth, it could even be seen as necessary that these things - and your interests and very life - do indeed shift, change and surprise you along the way.

“Interest is the most important thing in life: Happiness is temporary, but interest is continuous.” - O'Keeffe

Holistic creativity needs the energy of change. Whether that is a shift in the source of your interests, or how you go about engaging with longstanding ones.

What makes it a unique expression from you is… well, you… being open to learning from and allowing these seasonal waves, life cycles, and seismic inner shifts to work their magic on you along the way.

I keep coming back to this on my creative path:

Being an artist, a creative, is a way of coming to our whole life experience, with all of its cycles and unexpected turns.

We can try to limit those ideas to the realm of art things, or finding our “one true” focus or purpose - but those of us who are called to make and create as a way of life know better.

Personally, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

What about you?

With love+gratitude,


Do you trust your creative energy in art and life? Hali Karla Arts

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