A Contemplative Creative Practice... Join RELATE
Because how we RELATE matters, and how we CREATE matters, and how we relate to ourselves while we create, connect, and engage in the experiences of our lives, minds, attention, relationships and work in the world matters ... and because Creative Practice is good, soulful medicine with joy+depth for all of it.
That’s why I’m bringing RELATE back this year, with new iterations to explore.
That, and because I’m feeling a need to ‘take a walk’ with the teachings again myself.
The core of the seven teachings in RELATE don’t change much, but we do. And our perspectives shift. Relationships continue to teach us hard and beautiful lessons and truths… and life keeps asking us to show up to whatever it presents. To discern when to lean in, to offer, to accept, and when to choose boundaries or walk away.
I don’t know about you, but I need anchors of support to ground me and guide me, conscious reflection to keep me focused, and good flowing practices with the spirit of my creativity and intuition to keep me feeling and acting like the best me I can.
Maybe you do, too? If so, you just might like to join us for the fifth RELATE exploration.
Learn more about RELATE here…
a detail of an intuitive mixed-media prayer painting i made in a previous version of RELATE (by Hali Karla)